Saturday, March 19, 2016

Blepharoplasty For Dark Circles Under The Eyes Must Include Arcus Marginalis Release And Fat Grafting Or Tear Trough Implants

There is much confusion regarding what people mean when they say they have dark circles under the eyes, often referred to as the tired look. There are 4 different conditions which can cause dark skin under the eyelid which people call dark circles under the eyes:

1. Dark purple skin color on the lower eyelid skin
2. Brown pigment on the lower eyelid skin
3. A hollow eyed appearance in which the lower eyelid is sunken in.
4. A depression or deep line along the lower edge of the eyelid just above the cheek called the naso-jugal fold, the true dark circle under the eyelid and most common form of dark circle under the eyes

1. Dark Purple Color of the Lower Eyelid Skin

When the skin of the lower eyelid is a dark purple or bluish color people often say they have dark circles under the eyes. If you look closely EVERYONE has darker skin color on the lower eyelid than on the skin of the rest of the face. This is because the lower eyelid skin is the thinnest skin on the face, so thin that you can see through the skin and see the purple color of the eyelid muscle showing through the skin. In people with thicker skin the color looks more bluish, but everyone’s lower eyelid skin is darker because of the color of the muscle beneath the thin skin. There are familial and racial differences in skin thickness and muscle color so there is great variation in the darkness of lower eyelid skin. I do not call this normal phenomena dark circles under the eyelid, rather I call this normal phenomena dark purple lower eyelid. The only solution for this problem is to use a cover up make up like Covermark® or Dermablend®.

2. Brown Pigment on the Lower Eyelid Skin

Sun damage to the skin, birth control pills and other medications, and the “mask of Pregnancy” and other metabolic conditions can cause the deposition of brown pigment in the lower eyelid skin. This is not called dark circles under the eyes but is called hyperpigmentation. The treatment is the removal or correction of the underlying cause-stop the medication, sun protection etc. Once the cause is corrected there are several remedies. Skin bleaching agents such as hydroquinone and Kojic Acid can help as can microdermabrasion®. Laser resurfacing or Microlaserpeel®, deep exfoliation techniques can also be helpful. IPL also called Photo Facial can also help. Very goods results can be achieved with these modalities.

3. A Hollowed Eye Appeance

Some people have a very sunken in or hollowed eye appearance. This is caused by a deficiency of the normal fat which surrounds the eyeball and normally plumps the lower eyelid skin. This deficiency of fat can be caused by heredity, racial factors, malnutrition, general disease, dehydration or trauma to the orbital bone which supports the eyeball.

The correction involves the correction of the underlying disease or medical problem when there is a medical cause.

For people who have this appearance because of heredity or racial factors, the fat must be grafted into the lower eyelid to replace the deficiency. I do this by performing a blepharoplasty through an incision on the inside pink portion of the lower eyelid called the transconjunctival approach. This avoids a scar on the outside of the lower eyelid. I then harvest or take fat from an area of the body where the fat will not be missed (hip or abdomen) and transplant the fat to the lower eyelid to plump the lower eyelid.

4. The Naso-jugal Fold or Tear Trough Deformity-the True Dark Circle Under the Eye.

The true dark circle under the eye is a crease or depression starting at the nose and running towards the outside of the lower eyelid running at the bottom of the eyelid just above the cheek. This dark circle or depression looks dark because it is attached to the underlying bone of the rim of the orbit or eye socket, and the unattached skin of the lower eyelid above the depression is free to move and bulge and creates a shadow which gives the crease a dark color. The cheek skin below the dark circle is also free to move and bulge and bulges above the dark circle, which contributes to the shadow.

The dark circle or naso-jugal fold or tear trough deformity gets worse or deepens as we age because the eyelid above and cheek below begin to sag with aging but the dark circle is attached to bone and cannot sag with the rest of the skin, so the lower eyelid skin hangs over more from sagging and bulging of fat, the depression deepens, the shadow gets worse and the dark circle becomes more noticeable.

The dark circle or naso-jugal fold or tear trough is tethered or held tight to the bony rim of the eye socket bone by a ligament called the arcus marginalis.

To correct the dartk circle I perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. During the procedure I release the arcus marginalis ligament which frees up the dark circle or naso-jugal fold. Once the dark circle is released the dark circle skin is free to move with the lower eyelid skin and the cheek skin and the dark circle or shadow is lessened. To prevent re-attachment of the arcus marginalis and to plump up the dark circle I place a fat graft underneath the dark circle. Some surgeons place an implant called a tear trough implant under the dark circle but I usually use fat.

Correction of dark circles under the eyes, also called the naso-jugal fold or tear trough deformity requires proper diagnosis. This condition needs to be differentiated from dark purple eyelid color, hyperpigmentation and hollow eyes. The correction of true dark circles requires a blepharoplasty operation with arcus marginalis release and fat grafting or tear trough implants.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Black Hair Care: How To Take Care Of Cornrows

Cornrows and braids are one of those timeless styles that have crossed all gender and ethnic gaps. In fact, nothing is more beautiful than heedful of intricate braids and rows and no two styles are exactly alike. That is why more and more people are choosing to express themselves and their individual style through braiding and rowing. 

But as with all styles, cornrows come with their own special challenges and problems. One of the most obvious problems associated with any tight braiding technique is breakage. While black hair has fewer tendencies to break than Caucasian hair, it can still take a great deal of abuse if the braids are not done and cared for properly. In addition to breakage, you can also experience dull, frizzy and dry hair as a result of wearing cornrows or braids.

To avoid all of these drawbacks and to keep your braids looking shiny and neat, follow the following care tips:

· Choose your artist wisely – As with any artistic field, braiders come in many levels of expertise. Be sure to choose one that has been in the business for a good while. Also, ask to see sample photos of the stylist’s work. This will give you a good idea about their level of expertise. 

· Grow hair to proper length - In order to get a good braid, your stylist has to have enough hair to work with. A good rule of thumb to follow on length is 10cm for straight hair and a minimum of 5 cm for curly hair.

· Cleanse without disrupting – Granted, shampooing your hair with all of those rows and braids is not an easy task. To clean down to the scalp without disrupting your style you can use a shower massager or dental water pick.

· Wrap to prevent frizz and breakage – When you’re sleeping, your hair comes into constant contact with your pillow and your movements cause friction and tension to be applied to your braids. This can result in fly away hair, frizz and breakage. To avoid this simply wrap your head with a do rag or cloth before sleeping.

· Keep salon appointments – If your braid artist tells you to get a trim every 6 weeks, do so. And if he or she tells you to get your braids redone within a certain time frame, be sure that you do. This will help keep your braids looking neat and fresh.

Black Hair Basics

The typical hair and hair follicles of those of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair that spirals. Black hair also typically has a larger diameter than Caucasian hair and retains less water, thus its relative “kinkiness.” The many styling methods utilized on Black hair cause concern with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately so because Black hair styles cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp.

For example, using a hair pick to pick the hair up to a bushy style is a very damaging process due to the constant pulling causing stress on the hair shaft as well as the follicle. In fact, combing Black hair in general can create high stress on Black hair and cause breakage, which perpetuates dryness. Conrowing and braiding are methods of hairstyling that pull the hair tight, and this can cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp resulting in hair loss. Braiding that results in the hair being pulled very tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care.

Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a great deal of heat and chemical damage to hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This becomes especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot curling iron.

Hot oil conditioners are excellent for Black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments involve heating the oil and putting it into the hair and scalp, then covering the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Follow the recommendations on the treatment you are using for the amount of time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result.

Consider that hair relaxers commonly used on Black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair shaft. Left on beyond the recommended time, these chemicals would eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. This is why these same products are used in products like Drano® to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. No-lye relaxers are very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic. This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could just as easily clean a sink. Repeated use of such products can cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, the hair loss can be permanent in that area of the scalp. One must ask themselves is it wise to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however the facts should be known.

There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is a catch-22 concerning relaxing Black hair, since combing natural Black hair causes so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much harm to the hair and scalp as well. There are a few hair-relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its popular equivalent in “no-lye” relaxers: calcium hydroxide (quicklime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-Laxer® and Sahara Clay® by Baka ProductsTM that has been on the market since 1990. This product is all natural and because it does not contain many of the harsh chemicals of commercial relaxers and actually contains only a finely ground plant called Daphne Gnidium and clay from Africa it is figured to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most instances the same way as commercial relaxers, however it does tend to make Black hair more manageable. There is yet another product on the market that is reported to be 92-96% natural which is called Naturalaxer Kit In A Jar™ that does not require the applicant to comb through the hair during the application, which results in a lot less damage.

Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then you will experience less stress and damage to the hair and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the Black population that is becoming comfortable with wearing their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumors and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they will smell badly like any other dirty hair. The best process to use to wash dreadlocks is to use a residue-free shampoo. Most commercially made shampoos leave residue and can cause hair not to lock, lending fuel to the rumor that hair had to be dirty to form dreadlocks. Clean hair actually locks much better than dirty hair, as dirt is a residue in itself that will inhibit hair from locking. For best results one should use a fragrance free, conditioner free shampoo. Dreadlocks do not react well to oily and greasy substances, yet there are many good substances that are on the market today that will assist you in forming dreadlocks.

Dreadlocks are formed through a process, not simply by not combing or brushing the hair. Generally, one should start with hair about two inches in length, and the hair should be separated into even squares of hair and twisted gently together using a bonding or gel substance. Many use natural beeswax containing no petroleum, while others use loc and twist gels specifically formulated for locks. Once the hair is separated and twisted into small locks, it is important that they are left alone and allowed to bond naturally. The length of time it will take to lock will depend on the coarseness of your hair, but one can normally expect to wait several months before locks begin to form. While the hair is locking, it will need to be washed. Here is where washing should be extended for a while if possible, so that the hair can be allowed to lock for two weeks to about a month without manipulation. When you do wash your hair, use a stocking cap or “do-rag”, and low-pressure water to make sure that the newly forming locks do not come loose. It will be necessary to rinse for a much longer time than you normally do, because of the lower pressure of the water and the lack of direct manipulation of your hair with your hands. The water is good for your hair and locking process, so this is not a problem. It is also imperative as indicated before that you use a shampoo that does not contain a conditioner and leaves as little residue as possible. A little research on your

part will be necessary here; your health food store should contain a variety of natural shampoos. Have a skilled professional or a friend re-twist the hair gently, reapplying the twist gel or beeswax that you used previously. Repeat this process every two weeks to a month, the longer you are able to wait the better, and within a few months your hair will begin to lock. Again, if you have a fine grade of hair rather than a kinky grade of hair, a beautician skilled at forming locks (“locktitian”) or a friend who is very familiar with the hairstyle should be consulted. Even though dreadlocks are mainly a hairstyle for Blacks, there are other races that have people that enjoy the hairstyle. In general, it tends to be a style of hair that in the long run will give the hair and scalp needed rest from the rigors of chemical and heat treatments and rigorous combing and brushing, and therefore can contribute to longer life for your hair.

Bipolar Imbalances And Hormones

Working as a nurse in the emmergency room you meet a beautiful variety of people. Among those for whom I feel a special sympathy are those with bipolar. They can of course be quite the characters: some hear voices, some live on the streets, some have an extraordinary sense of humor, some love to sing and entertain… and much more. One thing bipolar patients have in common is that they take heavy medications, particularly antidepressants that have many side effects. To whatever question you ask these patients, the answer will often be, “Well, I have bipolar.” As if this one sad fact is sufficient explanation for all possible questions.

But the word “bipolar”, of course, does not explain everything, and this is particularly true for women having problems with hormonal changes. For example, one woman had a hysterectomy because of severe bleeding, then had to go on hormone replacement therapy. After a couple of months she completely “lost it”. She became convinced that she had to move far, far away and take up missionary work – to the alarm of her concerned family. Bingo. She was put on antidepressants and given the convenient label of “bipolar.” Well – she took her antipressants cross-country with her and ended up living on the streets with the homeless. Rescued finally, by some good friends, she was brought back home, where she if now off most medication, trying to stay as sane as possible, and still saddled with the heavy label of “bipolar.”

Many women in and around menopause go haywire… but is that necessarily bipolar? I often wonder at how strongly hormones can affect mental health, as is often the case with women after childbirth, with the so-called ‘baby blues’. Often due to the hormone progesterone easy to fix with natural progesterone cream. Likewise, women – and men in their own hormonal midlife crisis – often get depressed. But should this really be any surprise? After all, so many things are changing at this point – it’s like adolesence all over again, but in reverse! New sensations and a new view of life… letting go of the old ways and struggling with the new… There can be a lot of confusion with many challenging questions demanding to be lived. Unfortunately, many take the easy road and simply dodge the whole thing. They accept being depressed and can even console themselves with the mantra, “After all, I’m bipolar.”

One solution might simply be to use common sense. Bipolar or not, it’s essential to take in enough essential amino acids and different forms of protein. Many people’s protein intake is limited and unvarying: just red meat, chicken and eggs. If you read Dr. Eric Braverman’s book “The Edge Effect”, you’ll see that we need protein from many sources, including meat, poultry, nuts, eggs, fish, dairy, beans, and vegetables.

This approach is helpful for all of us, but especially for those with bipolar – whether it’s the real thing or not. Dark chocolate can be helpful too, offering some of the same benefits as such antidepressants as Prozac and Paxil, but with no side effects. Just as healthy foods are vital for growing children, they are crucial for anybody going through big changes or having a difficult time. So be sure to eat well and exercise, and study Dr. Braverman’s “The Edge Effect”. Give yourself what your brain needs to function well and create harmony in your being. Don’t worry so much about your bipolar – or the bipolar label. Apply your thoughts to the constructive self-healing that is possible.

Common sense is not so common. Good luck with finding what works for you!

Warmly, Pieternel

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bikini Area Hair Removal- Is Laser The Best Option

You can remove unwanted hair using different methods. When it comes to bikini area, it becomes tricky for many reasons. The site is sensitive. Self-shaving becomes difficult. Waxing may be very painful. Electrolysis may be time consuming? Laser may be costly. What should a girl do? Let us discuss.

Shaving- With shaving, there are possibilities of bikini bumps. Shaving has to be repeated frequently and the stubble that grows after shaving may be irritating. There are also chances of cutting yourself with shaving.

 Electrolysis- With electrolysis the removal is practically permanent. But some people find it painful. It is also quite time taking. You have to expose yourself unlike shaving but that also applies to waxing and laser.

 Waxing- Waxing can be very painful. If you are taking Vitamin A derivatives or using them your skin can become very sensitive and tear. Waxing is also not permanent and it is reported that some parlors reuse the wax.

 Laser- This is a permanent method of removal. The hair may grow again but will be finer and less. Except cost, everything goes in favor of laser hair removal from bikini area. This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Bigger Breasts Naturally

Do you want bigger breasts? Do you think exercise might give them to you? If so, here's a true story that might interest you. (Of course, we asked permission to print this story for you, and the names are changed to protect privacy).

A young lady asked me this, regarding exercise and fitness personal training. Her question was "If I train with you, will my breasts get bigger? Will they lift themselves up, become firmer and fuller like they used to be when I was younger? Truthfully, I hesitated momentarily, before answering this one. Yes, I really wanted to motivate her, as well as gain her service as a new fitness client. And, I also wanted to stimulate her existing desire to re-kindle her fire and passion for exercise. My greatest personal satisfaction comes from seeing other people improve themselves, especially when their benefits come from advice, education, suggestions, and/or training techniques that I have brought to them.

However, my ethics are much stronger than my desire for profit. Ethics in the diet, exercise, and personal fitness training industry are an extremely valuable commodity. They denote character and intent to provide quality service. Therefore, I smartly hesitated before answering the young lady's question. I could see the look in her eyes. She may have wanted me, as a trainer, to say, "Yes, of course your breasts will become larger, firmer, and fuller, just like they used to be. All you have to do is exercise." The truth, however, is quite surprising and perhaps contrary to your probable expectations.

As I began to research the subject, "natural breast enhancement," many truths became obvious, almost instantly. Of course, you find your most immediate replies from Internet sources. Members of the general public, many of whom have no accreditation, formal education, or long-term training expertise, are free to create such highly opinionated responses. Although these individuals (and some small businesses, too) may mean well, they simply lack accuracy, especially in the art and science of conducting skilled research.

Now, let me tell you what I noticed right away. Upon my first query on natural breast enhancement, several web sites displayed conflicting information. For example, one site said that herbs, minerals, and vitamins would cause a woman's breasts to enlarge. The next site said that "exercise" would boost breast size by at least one "letter." A third said that "nothing" would help because genetics alone determined breast sizes. A fourth claimed that wearing pressure clamps all day long would increase breasts by at least two cup-sizes.

As you might already see, the offerings, replies, and suggestions included various alternatives, methods, and techniques. There were suction and pressure devices, creams, encapsulated hormone products, immune system "enhancers," nutrient supplements, etc. A few sites even boasted about "special secret exercises." (Of course, you had to pay first before they told you what these unique, new "special secret exercises" were, if any.) The exercise science industry says nothing about "special breast enhancement exercises." This type of information is only hype. Don't buy into it. Stick with science. Stick with accredited information sources. Maintain your knowledge through licensed, formally trained professionals. Especially, deal only with specialists who maintain high "ethical" standards.

You may be interested to know this. Here is the basic outcome of a comparison between the various natural ingredients associated with "breast health." These ingredients were different from those that claimed to increase "breast size." If you are a candidate for such products, you must be meticulous about the phrasing of such descriptions. There's a saying on the Internet that, "You have to already know what you want, before you can find it." In other words, asking for "breast health" gives you different results than "breast enhancement" or "breast enlargement," or even "natural breasts."

For example, properties of nutrients claimed to exert "anti-cancer" functions.  Still, others were reportedly claiming to make the breast expand (or, at least "appear" to) swell in size. Certainly, you could rationalize the following. Some nutrients do indeed tend to protect your cells from deterioration. At least, there are some that may offset the formation of cancerous cells. This, however, does not automatically mean that the tissue will appear larger and/or grow bigger. When you refine your "purpose," you are more likely to find something that can provide you with a satisfactory solution.

Do You Want the Bottom Line on "Natural" Breast Enlargement?

There really is "nothing" available and practical that will give you such results. The only thing that possibly comes close to achieving this for you is the "pressure clamp" concept. That is, you wear pressure clamps all day long for about 20 to 30 days non-stop. Surely, you can see how many people cannot arrange the time for such an activity. Convenience is certainly a factor that affects you. And, can you withstand the discomfort of this type of breast enlargement technique? At least, this idea has some merit, but it's still not your most practical and achievable solution. Now, consider the following.

In a "natural" way, nothing exists that will actually make your breasts firmer, fuller, or larger. You can, however, protect the "natural health" of your breasts. Additionally, with exercise, you can naturally increase the size and strength of the MUSCLE layers BENEATH your breasts. These muscle layers (called "pectorals") can give you a slightly more firm appearance. This is true only because the muscles themselves become more firm, NOT your mammary glands. In reality, breasts consist of fat tissue, not muscle. Fat can seldom be "firm" to the touch, and fat is hardly likely to give you a firm, solid appearance.

Now, "think outside of the box" for just a moment. Returning to our original story line, the ironic thing is that the woman you read about already possessed very large breasts.
Thousands of "decent-sized" ladies would "kill" to have what she already has. However, the feeling that your breasts may not be nice enough also comes from other facts. Your surrounding body parts can also lack THEIR proper shape and symmetry. Your overall fitness (including body fat ratio, flexibility, strength and endurance) may be poor or below average.

So, here's a breast enlargement/enhancement/health solution that you can count on, virtually, forever. BECOME TOTALLY FIT. For example, with the woman you read about above, reducing waist size would conversely increase breast size appearance. Do you understand how this works? In exercise science, there is something called a "waist-to-hip" ratio. It measures your cardiovascular risk as well. However, with an excellent waist-to-hip ratio, your body "looks" good, too. In other words, reduce your waistline to enhance your upper body stature, appearance, and appeal.

Next, there is your "body composition." This is an approximated measurement of the amount of fat you carry in your subcutaneous tissue layers (immediately below your skin's outer surface). This is a ratio of the fat to muscle your body carries. Via practically any combination of aerobic, bodybuilding, endurance, toning, or strength workout activities, you can remarkably enhance your body composition. This, in turn, enhances the size of your waist, plus the shape of your torso, and consequently, the appearance of your breasts. Therein lies your "breast enlargement," the "natural way."

It's time to train your way into a more pleasing appearance, and a higher level of stamina comes with it. It's a win-win situation for you, without medical complications, and with no negative side effects. Help "nature" take its course by helping your body do what it is supposed to do – that is, to PERFORM. Call your trainer or weight management specialist and get more information. Then, step into higher gear with enjoyable and effective diet, exercise, and fitness physical activities. Your breasts will say, "Thank You."

Benefits of Progesterone Cream

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries that balances the production of estrogen, a hormone that can cause a variety of serious ailments such as cancer. Production of progesterone by the ovaries decreases as people grow older, which leads to excess estrogen in the body. This condition usually occurs a few years before menopause. 

Severe stress, anxiety, and an improper diet can also be the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the progesterone cream. These factors will cause the body produce more estrogen than must be handled by progesterone in the body. The side effects can be drastic if this estrogen level is not controlled as early as possible. Other reasons for the increase in estrogen levels in the body are any kind of diseases in kidney and liver. Also, chemicals in food tend to act as fake estrogens and create problems.  

Natural progesterone cream, produced in laboratories using an extract from wild yam and soybeans as raw material, can be a good solution to women facing low progesterone problem. Other prescription based synthetic progesterone creams are also being manufactured.  

Very rarely have side effects been noticed in women using natural progesterone. In most of the cases, synthetic progesterone has been known to produce a number of side effects such as depression, insomnia, nausea, fluid retention, etc.  

Natural progesterone cream must be used with utmost caution to avoid unpleasant side effects. It can be used as per doctor’s instructions for a limited amount of time. Most women need to use this cream till adrenal hormones normalize. Usage can usually be stopped after this. Natural progesterone will easily convert into testosterone and estrogen if required by the body. 

Some of the common benefits of using this cream are that it keeps estrogen level in check and helps in bone building, which can help to avoid osteoporosis. It is also supposed to increase libido in men and prevents various cancers like endometrial and breast cancer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Before You Decide On Rhinoplasty Read This

The decision to have plastic surgery is a huge one. There are no guarantees as to eventual outcome, as with any type of medical procedure. Plastic surgery is a serious undertaking and one that shouldn't be undertaken without serious consideration.

Rhinoplasty is one of the more common plastic surgeries performed. When performed by a competent plastic surgeon any complications are usually minor or non existant and most patients are happy with the results.

Rhinoplasty is a procedure used to reshape the nose. It can make a narrow nose wider, a wide nose narrower, change the tip, remove a hump, change the projection and in some cases rhinoplasty can help patients who experience problems breathing.

Don't go in thinking that just because you ask for Jennifer Aniston's nose that you'll end up looking like her - that just doesn't work. Each of us has a unique face and her nose may really not work for your face. Be realistic when you talk to your plastic surgeon. Don't expect perfection - perfection means something different to each person. Do expect improvements within reason.

The most important thing to do after you have decided to undertake any type of plastic surgery operation is to choose a plastic surgeon. You can get recommendations from friends or family. Sometimes your primary care physician will be able to recommend a good plastic surgeon in your area. You will want to make sure that your plastic surgeon has a very good reputation and is properly licensed. Ask if your plastic surgeon belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and if he or she is board certified. Of course each plastic surgery office has their book of pictures - of successful surgeries and happy patients. Ask to speak to some of his patients directly about their experiences with the plastic surgeon and his staff.

Also you should make sure that you get at least two opinions. Use your gut also. How did the doctor react to your questions? Did he take time to completely answer all of your questions or did he/she rush you through? Has he thoroughly discussed all potential risks associated with rhinoplasty? Did he also thoroughly describe what you can expect before, during and after the operation to your satisfaction?

There is a lot of information on the internet regarding rhinoplasty. Take your time and educate yourself before you consider rhinoplasty or any other type of surgery.

Beer - The New Natural Menopause Treatment

Whilst it may seem far fetched to think of beer as a natural menopause treatment, there is actually credible scientific research to support it. The key feature of beer in relation to menopause is the presence of phytoestrogens. 

Phytoestrogens are estrogen-like plant compounds that are also in alternative menopause treatments like soy. They work by binding to estrogen receptors, and so provide a mild estrogenic effect on the body. Phytoestrogens are not as strong as regular estrogen, but as estrogen levels decline in menopausal women, this boost of estrogen has a balancing effect on the body. Supplementing with phytoestrogens in soy and hops (which is made into beer, but can be purchased as a supplement), can alleviate hot flushes and improve the general quality of life for women during menopause.

Hops has more typically been used by herbalists for its mild sedative effect. It's great for sleeping problems, and also for nervous gastrointestinal and stomach problems. It is stimulating to the stomach, and has been used for anorexia, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea. 

Hops has long been suspected of having an effect on the hormonal system. Before the advent of machine pickers, women and girls picked the plants at harvest, and would often spend 3 weeks doing so. It was observed amongst the young girls picking hops that their menstrual periods would come on early. But it wasn't until hops was studied scientifically that this result was explained and validated. It turns out that hops contains very high levels of phytoestrogens - between 30,000 IU to 300,000 IU per 100 grams. The levels of phytoestrogens are highest when the plant is fresh.

The phytoestrogen in hops is called 8-prenylnaringenin (8PN), and is stronger than other estrogens studied so far. It is present in beer, but levels are low compared to levels in plant extracts.

8-prenylnaringenin (8PN) is a flavone. It has been found in the animal model to have milder but similar effects to estradiol. The hops flavone also had a stimulating effect on the uterus in this study (on animals). It has not been established if this effect is also present in women taking hops. If so, progestins, or natural progesterone, would need to be taken at the same time to prevent overstimulation of the endometrial tissue. 

Czech scientists have developed this research by using a new technology to create a non-alcoholic beer that contains the same amounts of hops and malt as regular beer. No mention was made at this stage as to whether the menopause beer would have higher levels of phytoestrogens. The idea came about because the Czech Republic is a strong beer drinking nation, and menopausal women there had low levels of estrogen in their diet. The menopause beer is aimed at relieving the symptoms of menopause and improving bone density.

Scientists have also found hops to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Compounds in hops have an effect similar to regular pain killers like ibuprofen, but with less of a disturbing impact on the gastrointestinal system. These active constituents of hops work in the same way as the arthritis drugs vioxx and celebrex, in that they are COX-2 inhibitors.

Hops is also an antioxidant, it may reduce insulin resistance, and is being investigated for its potential anti tumor properties. Hops was found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells 'in vitro', or in the lab, paving the way for further studies to be done. Hops should not be taken by people with depression however, according to traditional herbalists.

Basics Of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures. Women of all ages, sizes and walks of life get breast augmentation. For some women the choice is a matter of looking better, for others it may be a way to aid recovery after breast cancer. Whatever the reason it is still surgery. Surgery should always be taken seriously and before undergoing this surgical procedure a women should know as much as they can about it.

Breast augmentation is surgery to enhance or change the size or shape of the breast. Women seeking this procedure are cautioned to understand that it will not solve problems they may be having in their life. Unrealistic expectations regarding breast augmentation can lead a woman to regretting her decision. What breast augmentation can do is help the way you see and feel about yourself. 

There was once a lot of media attention directed towards breast implants. Silicone implants were found to be susceptible to leakage which could cause health problems. Today the only approved implants are saline implants. Saline is a natural product already found in the body and leakage, if any, is not threatening. Other concerns, however, are still present with saline as with silicone.

There are always risk with surgery. General risks can range from infection to anesthesia problems. Complications that are specific to breast augmentation include, loss of sensation, problems being able to breastfeed in the future, and hardening of the implant. The most common complications are breast pain and numbness. The most serious complication that can occur are toxic shock syndrome, implants breaking the skin and skin dying. 

The long term look at breast augmentation shows that many patients will have a need for at least one additional surgery within 10 years. There have not been studies to indicate how long an implant will last, but it is proven that they can break. 

Breast augmentation is an expensive procedure. Most insurance companies do not cover this surgery. It is very important to understand why you want the surgery, what results can be achieved and what long term effects can occur. Reversing the surgery means extra pain and money.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Balancing Your Home And Business Life Without Having Super Powers

For moms who work from home, balancing the home and business sides of their lives can feel downright impossible, especially when the reason they began working from home was so they could spend more time with family. However, many home businesses actually fail because moms don’t manage to balance business and home life. How can you juggle your family’s needs, your business needs and occasionally find some time for your needs without being a super hero?

The first thing any mom should do to achieve balance is to get the family involved. If your children and husband support you, you will find that they interrupt less often and are more likely to pitch in to get household chores done. You’re probably thinking that will happen the day the moon turns to blue cheese, right? However, if you mention that you need to get a major project done and will be able to buy a pizza and rent a video when you are paid, you may be surprised at how quickly everyone pitches in to help out.

If you have young children, they may not be able to understand the concept of waiting for a reward. To get your younger children involved, try explaining what you are doing in very simple terms and having them help you. Set up a small desk or table for your toddlers and add crayons and paper so they can help you with your work by drawing some pictures or writing a letter. Children that are a bit older can put stamps on envelopes and seal them, paperclip papers together or do other simple organizational tasks.

Of course, no matter how supportive your family and friends are, they are not going to be happy if you work 15 hours a day. Make sure that you ask for uninterrupted time to do your job or run your business, but also make sure that you schedule time for your family and friends. While you are making up that schedule, don’t forget your significant other. If you sit at your computer all evening after the children are tucked away for the night, you may end up with some serious relationship issues!

Once your family and friends are involved and you’ve scheduled time for them in your life, it is time to consider a few ways to make the most of your valuable work time. While you may be tempted to work non-stop during the time you have dedicated to your business, you should actually try to take some breaks. Taking a half-hour walk or having lunch away from your desk can really help you recharge your mind and keeps your body from growing stiff and tired. When you sit back down, you can do so with a clearer view of your goals and fresh energy and focus.

Also, don’t be afraid to make a “to do” list for your business. Write the four or five items you absolutely must do on your list and promise yourself that you will get them done before you visit your favorite forums or check your email. This can really help you get more work accomplished in less time.

So, although you may not have super powers, you can still have a home life, a business life and some time for yourself. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath, ask your family for some help and try out a few of these great ideas for balancing your life.

Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are longlasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure.

Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly dilapitory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful.

Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin color groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment center can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.

Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centers offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

Baby Boom Icon Sally Field Takes On Osteoporosis

If you're nearing 60, you have some pretty good company. Actress Sally Field, the seemingly ageless icon of a Baby Boom generation that starts turning 60 this year, has revealed that she has osteoporosis and is leading a public action campaign to inspire women to fight the fragile bone disease.

Surprised by her recent diagnosis of osteoporosis, Field chose to go public with her personal health and is launching Rally With Sally For Bone HealthSM, sponsored by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline. The campaign encourages women with osteoporosis to protect themselves against fractures so they can remain active and reduce their risk of a debilitating injury.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weaker, more brittle and susceptible to fractures. One in two women over age 50 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime, which can result in significant pain and loss of height and may possibly cause some women to lose their ability to dress themselves, stand up and even walk. It can also lead to possible institutionalization and even death.

"My generation has pushed for so much change to improve the lives of women, and today the biggest hurdle many of us face is our health," said the two-time Academy Award winner who has fought for women and workers' rights both on and off screen. "We've never been willing to sit back and take it-and that includes osteoporosis, too. I'm asking women to take action by talking to their doctors and joining me at"

"Today, women in their 50s and 60s are leading more active lives than past generations, and it's essential for them to take care of their bones to continue their energetic lifestyles," said Dr. Robin Dore, a rheumatologist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA.

After being diagnosed with osteoporosis in early 2005, Field attempted lifestyle changes, including calcium and vitamin D, to slow the progression of her disease but supplements alone were insufficient. Her doctor then recommended that she begin taking medicine and prescribed Boniva® (ibandronate sodium), a once-monthly tablet for postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Although 44 million Americans are affected by or at risk for osteoporosis, it often goes undiagnosed until a fracture occurs.

A major new campaign is under way to help protect women maintain their bone health.

Important Safety Information: Boniva is a prescription medicine for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis. You should not take Boniva if you have low blood calcium, cannot sit or stand for at least 60 minutes, have severe kidney disease or are allergic to Boniva. Stop taking Boniva and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. Follow the once-monthly Boniva 150 mg dosing instructions carefully to lower the chances of these events occurring. Side effects are generally mild or moderate and may include diarrhea, pain in the arms or legs or upset stomach. If you develop severe bone, joint, and or muscle pain, contact your healthcare provider. Your doctor may also recommend a calcium and vitamin D supplement.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Are You Sugar Scrubbing Yet?

Sugar Scrubbing is a gentle way to exfoliate the skin just about anywhere on your body. A basic sugar scrub includes of course sugar and some sort of liquid and lotion or moisturizer. For a very simple sugar scrub mix some sugar with enough of your favorite body lotion to form a paste that’s easy to rub into you skin.

But why would you want to use a sugar scrub in the first place? Sugar scrubbing is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin particles, as well as any oil and residue. This will soften your skin and preparing it for anything else to follow such as a moisturizer. A sugar scrub stimulates the lymph system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body. The gentle massage of rubbing a sugar scrub into your skin also improves the circulation of the blood right under you skin, giving you that healthy glow.

Start your sugar scrubbing treatment by cleaning your skin with a gentle soap or other cleanser and warm water. Then grab a handful of the sugar scrub and massage it into your skin in circular motion. The grainy sugar will gently exfoliate your skin. Rinse the sugar off with plenty of cool water and use some more cleanser to get any sugary residue off your skin. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel and follow with your favorite moisturizer. You should use a sugar scrub to exfoliate once or twice a week as needed to maintain that soft skin and healthy glow.

Are you ready to give sugar scrubbing a try? Here are some great recipes you can put together in no time at all and give this a try.

Invigorating Lemon Sugar Scrub


1 cup of sugar
½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
3 – 5 drops of peppermint essential oil

Combine all ingredients to form a paste. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion and rinse.

Tip – For a calming sugar scrub, replace the peppermint essential oil with lavender or rosemary oil.

Almond Grapefruit Sugar Scrub


1 cup of sugar
½ cup of almond oil
5-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil

Mix the sugar and almond oil until well combined, then slowly add the grapefruit essential oil drop by drop until you get the desired fragrance. Use like the sugar scrub above.

Give sugar scrubbing a try. You’ll be amazed at the results this simple beauty treatment provides. Not only will your skin get soft and glowing, but the scents in your sugar scrubs uplift your spirits as well. Before you know it you’ll be mixing sugar scrubs on a weekly basis, experimenting with different oils or lotions and using different essential oils.

Are you suffering from painful intercourse?

Pain during intercourse is the most sensitive problem amongst women that most of them feel it difficult to consult a physician. But this can be treated as the reason might be some physical illness. Since a woman plays a major part of the whole reproduction process right beginning from the formation of the ova till giving birth to the child, painful intercourse could be a difficult stage for you to pass. In medical terms, it is known as dyspareunia that leads to tearing, ripping, burning or aching sensation during penetration. This pain could occur at the vaginal opening or deep in the pelvis or anywhere else in between. This could also be felt throughout the pelvic area and sexual organs.

 Reasons for pain during intercourse 

1. The most common reason for the irritation during intercourse is insufficient lubrication or arousal that could create a vicious circle leading to a fear among the woman. Women having a hysterectomy or mastectomy can also face this problem with arousal because of the feeling of incompleteness. This could be treated with prompt and proper consultation whereby the physician provides you with lubrication methods that in turn will reduce discomfort.

 2. Another factor for painful intercourse is thinning and drying of vaginal tissues when menopause begins amongst women. This occurs due to less production of the estrogen hormone that is needed to maintain vaginal tissue moist. As the ability of the vagina to make its own mucus tissues declines so as it becomes dry, itchy and painful leading to pain during intercourse.

 3. Unintentional muscle spasms of the thighs, pelvis and vagina can also make penetration impossible and this stage is known as vaginismus that could develop from any of the above mentioned factors or due to psychological factors. A victim of traumatic sexual experience or rape can also lead to vaginismus and as such counseling can help a lot.

 4. Most common reasons for painful intercourse is vaginal, pelvic infection or boils or cysts and boils, tumors, scars or anything that narrows the vagina, uterine tissue growing outside the uterus with bleeding and pain, intact hymen, complications of any past surgery, diseases such as diabetes that interfere with the physical process of arousal or orgasm. Any of the factors due to less lubrication can be overcome with methods such as lubrication gels, estrogen creams or estrogen replacement therapy in pills.

Are you aware that you suffer from endometriosis?

Many women suffer from painful heavy, irregular flow in different form of reproductive disorders is a sign of endometriosis. You may face pain from the onset of your menstrual cycle and shall end after the lapse of the menstrual cycle. The problem here is that this sends most of the women with endometriosis to their doctors with chronic pain in their pelvis.

Other possible signs of endometriosis include diarrhea and painful bowel movements during the menstrual cycle. However the only symptom may be the tenderness of the abdomen most of the times in any particular spot.

Endometriosis is most commonly related to the menstrual cycle however it is not cancerous in about 95 percent5 of cases. In endometriosis, a layer of tissue that lines the uterus normally thickens with blood, shreds through the vagina as the menstrual period arrives. However, this tissue is found outside the uterus attached to or embedded in the body tissues.

In such condition, fragments of endometrial tissue appears almost anywhere in the body except within the “uterus”. Most often, the ovaries, fallopian tubes between the ovaries and uterus, the vagina and the uterine wall followed by the abdomen, intestine, bladder, and kidney is the most affected. In some rare cases endometrial tissue is even found in the lungs, skin, surgical scars, certain nerves, the brain and the lymphatic system.

It develops outside the uterus and appears to be normal and stimulated by the estrogen hormone continues to perform its normal function selling to accept a fertilized egg, disintegrating when conception does not occur and sloughing off in preparation for the next cycle. During each menstrual cycle, the tissue bleeds just as the endometrial does. The trouble here is that the tissue is longer in the uterus where it belongs but anywhere else in the body. The bloody debris formed by the breakdown of the misplaced tissue has no way to escape. These tissues when accumulate produces irritation, inflammation and pain that could continue period after period. If left unchecked, the bleeding may create scar tissue that could even spread through the pelvis, twisting and attaching organs to each other thereby interfering with their proper function, filling the entire cavity and later producing a tumor like mass.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Are YOU a Savvy Online Shopper?

The Internet can be a shopper's paradise, as long as you know how to shop safely and avoid hidden fees. Here are some tips to make sure your online shopping experience is a positive one.

Make sure the web site is reputable. 

If you're shopping on a new site that you've never done business with before and it isn't a brand name you recognize, take the time to do a little homework before you share any sensitive personal information. Look around the site to see if there's a third-party seal of approval posted from a trusted source like the Better Business Bureau Online, or Trust-E. Membership in these organizations means the web site has agreed to be held to strict standards in how they handle personal information, as well as customer complaints.

You can also enter the name of the web site or business into your favorite search engine to see what comes up. If someone has had a bad experience with the site, it may be mentioned in a user forum or consumer information site.

Only shop at sites that use secure technology. 

When information is passed between your computer and the shopping site's server, it should be encrypted. If a shopping site's server uses encryption technology, your data will be scrambled into something like 'secret code' and then unscrambled when it reaches the shopping site's server, to prevent unscrupulous hackers from capturing the information during transmission.

When a shopping site asks you for any kind of personal data, there are two things to look for to know that it's using encryption technology:

- An icon of a small locked padlock will appear in the bottom right of your monitor's screen.

- The URL of the web page should begin with "https:", which also indicates that it's a secure web page.

Know what your shipping costs will be before you check out. 

A reputable site will make their shipping costs easy to find, before you check out. Take the time to look for this information, to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Data collected from surveys of online shopping experiences consistently show that the one thing online shoppers dislike above all is shipping charges. While it's unavoidable that you have to absorb the cost of shipping one way or another, smart retailers will try to keep these costs to a minimum. Sometimes they'll do this creatively by offering you incentives to purchase more, to help offset their costs for discounted shipping charges.

And while reputable sites will have a liberal return policy in the event you're not happy with your merchandise, be aware that in most cases you won't be reimbursed for the shipping charges to return the item.

Make sure you understand the return policy. 

Never purchase anything from a web site without reading the fine print - particularly the fine print about its return policy. Good retail sites will allow you to return items you're not completely happy with, but sometimes there are stipulations that you should be aware of before you order.

Is there a restocking fee? This charge can be anywhere from 5%-20% of an item's purchase price, and is meant to discourage customers from returning merchandise. Also make sure you know how much time you have to return an item in order to receive a refund. Some companies seem to allow an almost unlimited return window, but in some cases it can be as little as one week after you receive your order. You may still be able to return an item after this period, but will only receive a store credit instead of a full refund.

Shop with confidence. 

Online retail sales in the U.S. amounted to $65B in 2004, and predictions for 2008 expect that figure to rise to $117B. An unbelievable variety of merchandise is already available on the Internet, and as time goes on the choices will be even greater. But to take advantage of this shopping paradise, consumers still need to be savvy shoppers. Shop securely and read the fine print, and then enjoy the savings and convenience of online shopping!

Are Stay At Home Moms Better?

Can we really have it all… a career, the good life and parenthood? Can parents afford to raise a child on one income? How can new parents decide whether to work or stay home with the kids.

Kristie Tamsevicius, author of I Love My Life: A Mom’s Guide to Working from Home says that the answer has never been clearer. Since September 11, 2001, people are going back to basics. Fueled by frustration with their current work environments, people long to spend more time at home with their families. This desire has led millions of parents to say “goodbye” to corporate America and “hello” to a work at home career.

One of the toughest decisions you face is whether you will stay at home with the children or go back to work. Financially, it can be difficult to make the switch to living on one income. Additionally, women often wonder if they are sacrificing their career by choosing to stay at home.

New parents are overwhelmed with the onslaught of child relating expenses including baby gear, clothing, diapers, and medical bills. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, raising a child from birth to age 2 costs $13,400 a year. So how can families cut back and survive on less income and endure these added costs?

The common myth is that if both parents work, there will be more income.

But this is not always the case. If you add up the numbers, oftentimes you are not getting ahead financially by working and paying daycare.

When you subtract childcare costs, auto expenses, dry cleaning and other work related expenses many find they are not making that much by working outside the home.

The truth is that we trap ourselves into thinking that we need two incomes to survive. Whether it’s keeping up with the Jones’ or buying high tech toys, it seems when you make more, you spend more. When our income increases, instead of banking the difference, we raise our standard of living.

The pressures of dual working parents can weigh on a family. Sometimes working mothers feel guilty for wanting to work away from home. Then there is the issue of balance. Juggling the pressures of work and home can be tough. Trying to make sure meals are made, the house is clean, and the bills get paid between running kids to soccer practice is trying.

We have to ask what we are teaching our kids with our busy lifestyles.

Are we teaching our kids that this pace of life is normal and desirable?

Will daycare teach your kids the values you would?

No one will love and teach your kids the way you do. Daycare will attend to the physical needs of your child, but are they teaching your kids the values and lessons you would? In situations such as the bullying kid at daycare, or the fight over toys is the daycare provider shaping your child’s character in the same way you would?

Children reap vast benefits when moms stay at home. Mothers can provide care with love. They are there to discipline and teach proper behaviors. While spending quality time, mothers can develop a lasting bond with their children. This bond creates a stronger sense of security and well being within the child.

Kids enjoy other benefits too. Moms can provide a more varied diet and better nutrition. And children receive more mental stimulation when one on one sharing time with mom.

How can moms learn to live on less and stay at home with the kids?

Shopping smart saves money. Thrifty minded moms cut coupons, look for sales, and buy in bulk to cut costs. Many families are learning that a simple life beats the pressures of trying to keep up. By setting a lower standard of living, you can learn to enjoy the simple things. You teach your children that wealth lies not in material possessions, but in the joy of living.

Working from home can help parents to have the best of both worlds:
precious family time and extra income.

Statistics show that today’s working people are eager to say “goodbye” to corporate life and say “hello” to the joys of working from home.

Working from home offers a variety of benefits including being your own boss, flexibility, the ultimate office space, no commute, increased control, time with family, and the sheer joy of designing your own business and life.

Entrepreneurship offers thrills, stimulation, challenge, and a new powerful choice-driven reality. It provides an option for single parents and families struggling with family and career concerns. It’s allowing dads to quit the 9-to-5 grind and stay at home with the kids.

It’s providing a new chance for people who have been laid off or kicked out of the corporate system. It’s providing a new income-earning opportunity for people who can’t live on their retirement funds alone.

At-home careers offer an income for people with disabilities who have trouble finding jobs in the traditional workplace.

So realize that as a parent, now you don’t have to decide to work or stay at home, you can have both: a career and time with your kids.

Are Disposable Color Contacts Good?

There are many reasons that a disposable color contact is a good choice for your needs. Today, most contact lenses that are purchased are disposable and there is good reason for this. No matter if you are new to contact lenses or looking to add them to your ability to look perfect with these fashion accessories, you need to know why disposable color contacts are a better choice.

These contacts are ideal for anyone that is looking to change their eye color. They can be made in both prescriptions and non prescriptions. They will provide you with a wide range of benefits as well. For example, the disposable products are often able to provide a more healthy atmosphere for your eyes. Because they are thrown out, they do not allow for the break down and dysfunction that happens over time.

They are also more affordable to purchase in the short run. They are offered at a lower price in most cases. But, in the long run you may pay more for them than other versions of contact lenses. Of course, if you just want to have them to provide you with a fashion accessory need, make sure to dispose of them as you should to keep your eyes healthy.

Disposable colored contacts allow many people to change the color of they eyes easily. Most of the time, these are ideal because they are throw away which means a lower price for them. It also means that you need to insure that you get the right product for your eyes. You should always have a full eye exam and measurement before you purchase any of these. In any case, disposable color contacts are often a good, or the best, choice for eye needs. They are available throughout the web for even lower and more affordable purchases as well.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are Diamonds Really Forever?

In the past, the Greeks and the Romans thought that the diamonds were tears of Gods and small pieces of stars. There were also the Hindus, who thought that the diamonds had so much power that they put diamonds in the eyes of some of their statues. Other people believed that an unapproachable valley in Central Asia covered by diamonds existed. One said that this valley was "kept by birds of prey and protected by snakes of mortal stare". 

Besides believing that diamonds could attract luck and success, people also thought that they could defy the astrological events. Many people used them as jewels, supposing they would be increasing their sexual power and capacity to attract. Even Plato wrote about diamonds, describing them as living creatures, impersonating divine spirits. 

Until the 15th century, only kings were allowed to use diamonds, having them as a symbol of courage, power and invincibility. But as the centuries passed by, the diamond started to acquire its status of sublime proof of love. Currently, they are related to the love, romance and myth. 

We probably will never know when the first diamond was discovered, but we do know that, from the ancient times to the 18th century, all the diamonds of the world came from India. From the period of the Roman Empire to the appearance of the first Europeans to India, in the beginning of the 16th century, the commercial relations between Europe and Eastern Asia bloomed. 

One of the main routes of the diamond commerce was in Venice. The city became the most important mercantile republic of the western world. It enjoyed the monopoly of the commerce of the diamond course to the main cities of the south of Germany until its final destiny, Brussels. Since this city became the final phase of the commercial route, it became a promising centre of diamond stature, and the reputation of the city in this sector did not stop increasing. Even though Brussels maintained their predominance until the end of the 14th century, they began to decline in a lapse of fifty years. The diamond trade and numerous other economic activities of Brussels were moved progressively to the city of Ambers, which offered more recent and better facilities for the communications and the commercial exchange. In 1866, the first diamond in South Africa was discovered. Following this was the discovery of the deposits of Kimberley few years later, giving birth to the fabulous era of Kimberley. 

The word diamond comes from the Greek word ' adamas ', meaning invincible, and ' diaphanes ', that means transparent. In the past centuries, people believed that a diamond could reattach a wrecked marriage. It was used also in battles as a symbol of courage. 

Even though the diamond is the hardest rock known by men, it is the only precious gem with only one element: carbon. Nevertheless, it can only be melted when exposed to a temperature of 5500 degrees Celsius! Billions of years before, the basic forces of heat and pressure miraculously transformed the carbon into diamond through volcano lava underneath the earth. In some way, this volcanic mass was expelled out of the earthly crust, cooling soon to be found as diamonds in rudimentary form. No acid can destroy them, and they are capable to cut anything on Earth, therefore, they only can be cut with themselves. 

However, are the diamonds really forever? If they appeared miraculously, can they be destroyed? As incredible as it may seem, the small diamond that adorn the ring that you gave your wife will probably last forever - at least while Earth exists. They are the most resistant minerals of the planet, and only can be melted when displayed to a temperature of 5500°C. The problem is that the global atmosphere will never achieve this high temperature, even if it was to be hit by an enormous meteor that would eliminate all forms of life. They only would melt if, one day, the planet literally entered the Sun, which has a temperature of 5800°C. The curious thing is that, according to astronomers, in 7,5 billion years our planet will actually enter the Sun, when the star will be next to death. If you think diamonds will disappear then, you might be wrong. When such episode happens, the temperature of the Sun will lower to about 3000°C. That means that even when Earth reaches an atmosphere as hot and dense as Mercury’s atmosphere, we will still be able to find some small diamonds spread around.

Any Time Home Facials

You don't have to save the joys of pampering your self on special occasions. We can simply set aside time to pamper, renew and recharge ourselves on regular basis.

Our skin is an honest mirror to our inner health, beauty and well being. If we indulge in great deal of unhealthy food, it shows first on our skin. Wholesome eating and drinking plenty of water with adequate dose of exercise will exhibit a healthy glow on our skin. Use of natural gentle ingredients such essential oils, cold pressed unscented oils and hydrosols soothe, nourish and radiate a healthy, glowing complexion.

Consider your skin type while making aromatherapy beauty products for beauty regime at home. Facial consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. On occasion, you may add a gentle exfoliation and mask for luxurious pampering. Listing down step by step guide for "At Home Facial" with recipes

- Start with cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser. Give your self a light steam treatment to unclog the pores before facial. Use fingertips to move upwards in circular movements, gently stimulating the skin and removing excess oil and grime. Rinse with warm water and pat excess moisture with a soft towel.

- After cleansing routine, tone the skin to ensure the pH balance. Apply the toner with soft cotton pad. Avoid rubbing and sensitive area around the eye. Saturate the pad and pat it over the face and neck area. Apple cider vinegar is the best toner to ensure optimal pH balance for the skin.

- Now your skin is ready to be moisturized with host of soothing ingredients. To seal the moisture, apply oil using patting motions when the skin is damp from applying the toner. For oily areas, apply once. For dry areas apply twice with an interval of 2-3 minutes between applications. Moisten the skin with water or toner in between applications to seal the moisture.

Home made recipes for cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

- For a rose cream cleanser, combine 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tsp rose hydrosol and 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil. Stir well and apply to face and neck areas. Note - this cleanser should be used within 2 days.

- Tone up your skin with 1 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp dried green tea leaves, 1tbsp dried chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp rose hydrosol, 1 tbsp Aloe Vera gel and 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Heat the distilled water until boiling. Remove from heat and add green tea, chamomile flowers. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then strain. Add the remaining ingredients and stir and shake well. Store in clean bottle and use within 3 weeks.

- For aromatic moisturizing oil, combine 3 tbsp each of jojoba and rose hip seed oil, 2 drops each of rose, geranium and palmarose essential oils and 3 drops lavender essential oil. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and store in clear, clean bottle for use.

An Overview of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and common disease that affects 2-4% people of total world population. Although the cause behind this disease is unknown till date, but the syndromes are very well known. It is very painful for the people suffering from this disease. The pain is widespread and produces a fatigue disorder. This disease mostly affects muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft fibres in the body; as a consequence patients feel the pain in the muscle joint areas of body, such as neck, shoulder, elbow and heap.

Some experts take it as a special form of arthritis but the fact is the affected muscles in the body are not deformed like arthritis cases. Fibromyalgia is some sort of neuro-muscular pain, which affects the musculoskeletal schema of human body. Patients can suffer from the following symptoms:

    * Widespread pain for more than 3 months.
    * Tenderness in the neck, shoulder, knee, elbow, or upper buttocks or thigh areas.
    * Trouble sleeping.
    * Tiredness in the morning or late in the day.
    * Mood changes.
    * Irritable bowel syndrome.
    * Headaches, sometimes migraines.
    * Difficulty concentrating.
    * Numbness and tingling in hands, arms, feet, legs or face.
    * Abdominal pain.
    * Bloating.
    * Long lasting morning stiffness
    * Constipation.
    * Diarrhoea.
    * Fatigue that interferes with work and daily activities.
    * Sleep problems (difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up feeling tired).

In addition of those symptoms fibromyalgia patients often feels anxiety along with depression. They feel lethargic and may feel frustrated in their life. This depression often leads them to commit suicide.

Women may also face problems in their periods and suffer from other feminine diseases.

In a recent research it is found that women are more affected than men. It is a common phenomenon that women lacks calcium a bit more than men, this may be the reason behind that.

Fibromyalgia disturbs sleep; this leads to mental weakness and often causes mental disorder. The cause behind this disease is still mystery but the resultant effects are very acute. It generally affects people of any age, some experts have revealed that after a traumatic disease or a massive flue fibromyalgia may starts.

Identifying the tender points in the body makes diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome. At the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, other chronic syndromes such as thyroid disturbance, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome are assumed eliminated. Pain in 11 to 18 tender points indicates fibromyalgia syndrome.

Friday, March 11, 2016

All About Tanning Bed Lotions, Tanning Bed Lamps And Other Tanning Bed Products

There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market which can offer you that healthy golden glowing skin.

Tanning Bed Lotions

Using tanning bed lotions are one of easiest and convenient ways for sunless tanning. Tanning bed lotions helps you to get the perfect shade of bronze to your skin. But the real trick to effective and healthy sunless tanning is to finding out the best tanning bed lotions which can give you that healthy golden glowing skin. While selecting tanning bed lotions you need to be careful to select tanning bed lotions which contain moisturizers, cocoa butter or aloe vera. This is important as tanning bed lotions which lacks these ingredients can result in drying out of the skin.

Tanning bed lotions can be applied on a consistent basis to keep your skin healthy as you tan. For those people who used to burn easily can apply a thicker coat of tanning bed lotions for the initial few visits in the salon. By using more tanning lotion, one can reduce the effects of burning or peeling.

As the skin type and pigment level of one person differs from the other, it is always a good option to first try out various indoor tanning bed lotions to find the one which best suits one’s skin. Tanning bed lotions can be purchased from beauty salons or other stores.

Tanning Bed Lamps

Tanning bed lamps are designed in similar manner to general lighting low-pressure florescent lamps. The major difference between the two types is the phosphor used. The phosphor used in a tanning bed lamp allows UVA and UVB rays to be emitted at controlled levels.

The latest tanning bed lamps available in the stores are great at delivering a golden bronze tan for your skin. The lamps are designed so as to work quickly as well. Tanning bed lamps also helps to reduce your exposure to the harmful UV rays.

There are several types of tanning beds and tanning bed products available in the market. Many of them are designed to be used in home while several others are designed for commercial and tanning parlors. Before purchasing tanning bed lotions, tanning bed lamps, or any other tanning bed products, it is advisable to shop around and compare the latest models available in the stores. This is very important as the technology used in tanning bed products is constantly changing; so it is the responsibility of the customers to keep up with the technology and changing tanning bed products to achieve the best possible results.

Advice On Buying Maternity Wear

Just because you are 8 months pregnant with a stomach out to there, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still care about your appearance. In fact, when you’re feeling hormonal and down in the dumps, a good shopping trip for stylish maternity wear may be exactly what you need.

General advice

The first instinct pregnant mothers have when shopping is to go directly for something that is large and baggy. Please avoid this as maternity clothing that is layered or has bold prints or horizontal stripes will only make you seem bigger. Everyone knows that black is slimming so if you want to appear smaller, go for maternity clothing in one solid color. Don’t compromise your style. If you find maternity clothing too plain, try going to plus size stores or shop at your usual haunts but buy a bigger size. This will allow you to go for styles that you would normally have preferred pre-pregnancy.

Maternity wear budget

Be careful with your budget though, as you have to remember you won’t be that big for that long! If you want to save money, borrow other people’s maternity clothing. Most mothers’ keep their maternity clothing in case of future pregnancies or as a keepsake and they’ll probably be happy to let their used maternity clothing be used by you. Or, you could try yard sales or consignment shops for a good bargain.


If you are well into your pregnancy, you don’t want to buy high heels. Flat shoes or flip flops are the best way to go. If you must have heels in your shoe, try kitten heels as they are not that high and will be comfortable to wear.

Maternity formal wear

The best kind of formal wear won’t hide your shape. Be proud of your new pregnant shape and show it off. Formal wear for expectant mothers can be found in suits or dresses. The most common colors are black or midnight blue as it is one solid color that is slimming to all shapes. The best maternity dresses are empire cut, which means it is cut right under the bust, to provide maximum room for movement of your growing belly. Maternity suits are also alternative and very flattering to those who are four to five months pregnant.

Maternity swim wear

If you are only four to six months pregnant, you can probably get away with going to plus sized stores and purchasing larger swimsuits as maternity swim wear. In this way, you will get a greater range of swim wear to choose from without having to change your style. Maternity swim wear is not readily available all year round so make sure to head straight to your favorite maternity clothing store when the sun comes out if you’re planning a tropical holiday during the winter.

Whatever your shape or size, you are bound to find maternity wear for any occasion! Don’t just stick to the boring styles you often see in maternity stores; be inventive when mixing and matching to create your own maternity wear style!